Can You Cheat in an Open Marriage?
Can You Cheat in an Open Marriage? It's a Matter of Degree An ending for Odiouser's Story, "Can You Cheat in an Open Marriage?" This is a conclusion to the original story by Odiouser. The URL for that story and his invitation to write an ending are below. I thank Odiouser for a great story and a beguiling proposition for the lead character and a beguiling and challenging task for an author. I also greatly appreciate his helping me out as Beta Reader and Volunteer Editor. His deft touch saved readers of this story hundreds of unneeded words and brought much needed focus to the project. At the conclusion of that original story by Odiouser: I'm over 14 1/2 thousand words into this tale, and I still cannot decide how our big conversation should go. I didn't set out with a plan to create a story with no clear outcome. But I wove all the ups and downs along the way, and never could come to an ending that I felt strongly about. I could equally live with separation ...